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I'm just your average, everyday, divorced 38 year old girl -- overweight, tragically unhip, and trying to make a life for myself. I live with two furry beasts, Dave and Abby, whose feline mission in life is to choke me with their fur. Nothing special.

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Saturday, May 10, 2003

The feel of the sun warming my skin, pushing aside the chill of the darkness...

Saturday morning. Yes, it's really been since Tuesday that I've written. You might not be feeling terribly creative if you'd only had about 8 hours of sleep between Sunday night and last night, either! LOL. Now, however, restored by a nearly full night of sleep, I'm just chock full of energy and anticipation. That being said, you're just going to have to wait for my further musings because R has called, she's on her way to the mall where we're to meet, and that's my cue to go. God willing, though, I'll be back later to further expound on the deep thoughts in my head.

Wednesday's exercise: None. Again. Grrr.
Weeks to 2004 LA Marathon: 43

Thursday's exercise: 30 minutes walking/jogging

Friday's exercise: 45 minutes of weights and stretching with my trainer

So said Denise on 10:34 AM # | 0 comments

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Tuesday, May 06, 2003

Curiouser and curiouser

Tuesday afternoon. Just when I think that my life has reached the apex of confusion and disorder, something else always comes along to tip the scales just a wee bit further toward chaos. Amazing really, especially when you consider how little I really do outside of work and working out!

Take, for example, the circular repairs needed on my condo. I got a new dishwasher put in last week (because the old one was leaking) and when the installation man came to hook it up, he found that there's a leak under the sink. Joy! He told me that the plumber will need to turn off the water for about an hour to fix it. Great news, because there isn't a shutoff for my unit, there is a single one shared for all 4 of the units in my hallway, which means that I've got to inform/solicit feedback from my neighbors well in advance. Further complicating the matter is the fact that the plumber will also need access to the water heater, which is behind the half of the bi fold doors in the carport that no longer functions (it was hit by the trash can that was propelled in that direction by an idiot driving into the can [NOT me]). This means that I will have to get the door replaced before I can even call the plumber. Then, there's the screens in both bedrooms and the sliding screen door in the living room, all of which had to be completely replaced because of how old and dilapitated they are (done today). Finally, after they finished painting the balcony railing, the wood on the deck looks even more hideous. As I was contemplating how to get the homeowners association to send someone out to take care of it for me, I remembered that I'd received a call last summer in the midst of my many travels from a termite company telling me that they'd spotted damage on my deck and needed to have access through the unit. Of course, I never got back to them, so I called the management company to: ask about getting the termite folks out (they'll be there tomorrow afternoon), ask about the protocol before shutting off communal water (send notes or visit a few days in advance), and what color paint the carport doors are (so that I can buy a can and give to the door company). While not everything has been completed, at least most have been initiated and that, at least for me, is half of the battle.

Monday's exercise: 45 minutes walking/jogging PLUS an hour of weights and stretching with my trainer
Weeks to 2004 LA Marathon: 43

Tuesday's exercise: None...:-(

So said Denise on 1:38 PM # | 0 comments

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Sunday, May 04, 2003

Waiting to exhale

Sunday morning (barely). Yesterday was one of the laziest days in my life, and that is saying something! It rained, I was tired mentally, physically, and emotionally, so I vegged out. All day. And, she says defiantly, I'm not ashamed, either. Didn't get in any exercise, though, which is sub optimal. Ah, well...such is life.

Update to Friday's angst over my blood tests: got in touch with the nurse practitioner (finally) and found that not only are all of the results normal, but they are really very good for a diabetic such as myself. I should explain that I control my diabetes with diet and exercise (sometimes successfully, sometimes not) and take no medication at all. One of the biggest fears that I had was that my past lackadaisical control had damaged one of my internal organs, and that, apparently, is not true. The nurse practitioner said that, had I not told her I was diabetic, she'd never have known it from the results. Now I just need the results of my Pap (which should be in on Tuesday), and I can let the breath I've been holding in since my doctor's appointment out. As it is, I truly feel blessed, humbled, and somewhat unworthy of the second chance I've been given, based on the results of the blood work, and am determined to make more of my life for the second half (or so).

My trip for work to Albany, NY and Raleigh, NC got approved on Friday (YaY!), and I'm adding on 2 days in NYC on my own dime just because I don't want to be that close and not cross another thing off of my "10 Things to Do Before I Die" list. (Don't worry, T, I'm figuring out another one to add to replace it because, as we all know, you can't ever do all of your ten things, otherwise what would be left???) Now I'm trying to figure out exactly what I can cram into 2 days and 2 nights and it's not a pretty sight. I am, however, staying at a really neat hotel right next to Central Park and across the street from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, it's called the Stanhope Park Hyatt. There's an exhibition at the Met that I really want to see called Goddess, highlight the role that classical dress has played throughout the ages. While I was searching for information on the exhibition, I found a test on iVillage called Which Goddess Are You?. Below are my results:

"You scored 58.3% Aphrodite
If you are ruled mostly by Aphrodite, your femininity and passionate spirit are the controlling forces in your life. You tend to be charismatic and self-assured, comfortable with your body and unrestrained sexually. Men are drawn to you like bees to flowers, which satisfies your erotic nature. However, you tend not to form permanent attachments with lovers because you value your sexual freedom, which may leave you feeling lonely and even depleted once a relationship ends. To find and form a more lasting relationship, you need to add more of the goddess Hera to your life."

OK, I don't get the whole not forming permanent attachments because I value my sexual freedom, because that's just totally not true, and I only wish that men were drawn to me, but the rest is pretty close. There's a poem that goes along with the Aphrodite designation, too:

All women are born beautiful.
Knowing that, however, is their choice!
All women are born deserving love.
Choosing that is up to them.

So, if you'll excuse me, I'll be embracing my inner goddess now.

So said Denise on 12:10 PM # | 0 comments

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All entries are original creations of Denise E. unless otherwise labeled, and may not be reproduced without proper attribution.