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I'm just your average, everyday, divorced 38 year old girl -- overweight, tragically unhip, and trying to make a life for myself. I live with two furry beasts, Dave and Abby, whose feline mission in life is to choke me with their fur. Nothing special.

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Friday, May 12, 2006

My blog looks the way that I feel!

Friday afternoon. I have no idea what's up with the missing graphics from this page. According to my hosting service, there was a huge spike in viewings of my site between 2 and 3am Central time last night which caused my account to be suspended temporarily. Who on Earth would be viewing my site in the middle of the night, much less so many of them that it would go over my limit??? Strange. If it doesn't resolve itself pretty quickly, I'll have to upgrade my transfer limit but that costs more so I'm going to see if I can wait it out.

In other news, I'm on the edge of total freak out. See if you can follow this.

I need to get Junior League cookbooks for the trainers at next Saturday's training. I don't know how many to get and I will be gone until next Thursday night

I need to order bagels, cream cheese, and coffee for that same training. Again, gone until Thursday night

I need to get bouquets of flowers for the out-of-town trainers for next week's training. Ditto the time constraints

I need to attend Board of Directors training for Junior League tomorrow. I also need to get Alcott's middle brother and take him to Alcott's birthday beach party

I need to write mini reviews for each of my (nine) employees by this afternoon. I have none complete at this moment (why am I blogging instead of writing?)

I need to schedule time for Alcott and I to go to the race track so that he can drive the laps that I promised I'd buy him for his birthday. It would be good to do that in the same month as his birthday. (I hope he's flexible, though)

I need to call the cat sitter. Before I leave on my trip early Sunday morning

I need to get the box of cards for Marines deployed in Iraq that were created at work on Take Your Rugrat to Work day up to TCB's so that he can get them to Master Chief before he leaves for Iraq

I need to figure out how to get the big, velvet chair and ottoman out of my living room and into the hands of a thrift store so that I can get a new couch and loveseat. Right now, I have only the chair and ottoman and my BFF Tracy is coming for a visit Memorial Day weekend. It would also be nice if TCB could manage to put the new kitchen lights, new bathroom fixtures and lights, and TV armoire together before then, too. (Of course, I'll need to get the old TV armoire to a thrift store, too, but I think it will fit in Esme the Escape.)

I need to plant the Redwood tree that the Palo Alto/Mid Peninsula Junior Leaguers gave me at my recent conference so that it doesn't die. I just don't think it will bode well for my SPAC career if it dies

I need to do laundry. Lots of it. Same old, same old. But now I've got the added stress of needing to pack for a four day conference in Salt Lake City before Sunday morning when I've got the kids thing and JLSD Board training all day on Saturday

I need to get to the Junior League House so that I can get reimbursement forms for my airfare to Sacramento for the conference earlier this month as well as the catering and flowers I need to pay for in time for next weekend's training

Ugh. OK, so now you can understand why my eye won't stop twitching, why I wake up and still feel tired, and why there seems to be a strange twinge in my side when I turn my torso just so. Please, please, let me just get through this and then June should be OK!

So said Denise on 12:39 PM # | 3 comments

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Monday, May 08, 2006


Monday afternoon. When someone handed me a card to sign for Alcott's birthday while we were out on Saturday, I completely blanked. "Happy Birthday" is just not adequate and I couldn't write what I was really thinking in a card that everyone would read. So, dear readers, here's what I wish I could say to my dear boy today, on his birthday.

"Dear abcdefg,

I know that you are anxious to be grown up, to be done with the restraints of high school, of the foster system, of being a teenager, and that you want more than anything to grow taller quickly, but I want to make an argument for being young a little longer. I remember being your age and being convinced that the best was yet to come, and it is, but it is also right now. This second. And this one. And the next one. There is no final destination where the struggling and the learning and the (sometimes painful) growing's all about the journey, and my gosh, are you having an amazing journey, or what?

* You were the starting quarterback for your football team. As a last minute transfer. When they didn't even have a helmet for you for the first week

* You were the starting point guard for your basketball team and you are now starting in spring basketball on the Varsity team. As a freshman. Unbelieveable!

* You ran track this year even though it terrified you before you started. And you did well, too

* You have learned that "Mom" and "Dad" aren't necessarily related to you by blood and that Love is infinite and ever-growing

* You are going to go to Miami for 10 days this summer to study Forensics and Leadership - how cool is that???

* You have been in love and out of love and back to being friends, all before your 15th birthday. And you handled it all with grace and compassion and made me very proud

As I watch you playing basketball or horsing around with your brothers, I'm sometimes struck by just how grown up you are. The boy that I met 18 months ago was a child and every time I see you there is a little less child and a lot more young man. I'm not sure I'm ready for this, but, ready or not, I'll be with you each step of the way.

So, Happy Birtday abcdefg, from your very proud CASA"

So said Denise on 2:53 PM # | 3 comments

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All entries are original creations of Denise E. unless otherwise labeled, and may not be reproduced without proper attribution.