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I'm just your average, everyday, divorced 38 year old girl -- overweight, tragically unhip, and trying to make a life for myself. I live with two furry beasts, Dave and Abby, whose feline mission in life is to choke me with their fur. Nothing special.

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Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Ten Things to be Thankful For

Wednesday afternoon. Inspired by Hilly, I bring you my Top 10 Things I'm Thankful For:

1. My health. Granted, I'm not in the shape I wish I was but I'm here and I'm feeling good.

2. My family. I'm still lucky enough to have both my mom and my (step)dad plus my (step)brother and they are so important to me. I've nearly lost both of the parental units in the last few years and I appreciate them so much more now. Too bad that it took colon cancer and heart disease to bring it home to me but better late than never, right? I love you Mommy, Daddy, and Dan!

3. Alcott. My God, what that boy means to me. I see a picture of him and I smile. His voice makes my heart fill with joy. Knowing that I'm making a difference in his life has made all the difference in my own. You are so dear to me and I will do anything to keep you from harm or hurt. You will never spend another holiday alone. Never!

4. TCB. It's not the relationship that I thought I wanted but it's the one that makes me happy each and every day. He's not demonstrative and he's a total packrat but I really enjoy our time together. I heart you muchly, Baby.

5. My new job. It's the same company, which is fabulous, but it's as though I'm seeing it all anew. The challenges keep me on my toes and the people are so different from what I'm used to. To Fabu-Boss, the Three Amigos, and the entire team, thanks.

6. Maid Brigade. Having a sparkling clean bathroom and shower is so amazing. So. Amazing. Alma and Reyna, you are goddesses.

7. Body Coffee bath products. Oh. My. Gosh. Yummy, yummy, yummy...with no nasty calories to ruin the buzz!

8. This journal. If it weren't for being able to come here and have little meltdowns, I don't know what I'd do. Honestly, I can't let most of these things out anywhere else and I love the creativity this medium affords me to express myself.

8a. The template for my journal. Dianne Rigdon of is the creator of the lovely design that graces this site. From the first second that I saw it on her design site, I knew this was what I wanted for my journal. The old-fashioned girliness of it called out to me and I knew it was meant to be mine. Thanks, Dianne, you will always be part of "Do you have that in my size???"

9. Subway's turkey sandwich on wheat, lite mayo, all the veggies, mustard, no cheese, toasted. Omigosh, after a long day at work, it's like a hug from my grandma.

10. All of you. Yes, even you. Everyone on my blogroll is someone special to me and I love reading about your adventures (and misadventures). The feeling that I get when I write something heartfelt and then find insightful comments in response just never gets old. You have shown me that it truly isn't the destination, it's the journey.

For all of you celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow, have a lovely, blessed, grateful day. If tomorrow is another day on the calendar for you, I wish you the same (without all of the fattening food!).

So said Denise on 4:16 PM # | 9 comments

Katrina survivor and Miss Kitty's owner dies

Wednesday morning. Why am I sitting at my desk listening to Green Day while silent tears slip down my face? Because I remember how happy I was when I read the original story about this man and his cat because the thought of having to leave my own baby kitties at home in case of disaster just breaks my heart. Once I heard that they'd been reunited, and the lovely story of how she'd "saved" him, I knew everything would be OK. Except that it's not.

I want to call the shelter in Louisiana and tell them that I'll be over there on Friday to pick her up and bring her to live with Dave, Abby, and me, but of course I can't do that. I know she'll find a wonderful home but I wonder if she'll miss her owner and if the new people will love her as much as he did.

So said Denise on 11:20 AM # | 1 comments

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Monday, November 21, 2005

Pay no attention to the huge cold sore on my upper lip!

Monday afternoon. I am so miserable right now. I have this cluster of sores on my upper lip and it hurts like a mo-fo. Owwie, owwie, ow! I have suffered from these stupid things since I can remember and they are always caused by extreme dry conditions (which we have right now), stress, or prolonged exposure to the sun. I'd pretty much eliminated them by taking 2,000mg a day of L-Lysine but, sadly, I've not been taking my tablets lately and, voila!, we have pain and humiliation.

Tonight I have a Junior League committee meeting so everyone there will be staring at my hideously disfigured lip, too.


So said Denise on 3:54 PM # | 9 comments

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All entries are original creations of Denise E. unless otherwise labeled, and may not be reproduced without proper attribution.