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I'm just your average, everyday, divorced 38 year old girl -- overweight, tragically unhip, and trying to make a life for myself. I live with two furry beasts, Dave and Abby, whose feline mission in life is to choke me with their fur. Nothing special.

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Thursday, August 18, 2005

They like me...they really like me!

Monday morning. Well, at least partially to my surprise, I got the job that I had interviewed for. As I was in the middle of an annual review with one of my team members, my manager came and dragged me out to her office where my new manager was waiting with an offer I didn't refuse. We've already had two management team meetings with the new team and I have a new team full of people I'm responsible for. Ten highly technical professionals who perform a function I've no clue how to do - talk about challenges! I'm really excited and a little nervous, but everyone's being really nice (for now).

Wow, what a year!

So said Denise on 1:18 PM # | 10 comments

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Tuesday, August 16, 2005

What if your world could change in just a week

Tuesday afternoon. I started the week off knowing that I would have multiple interviews yesterday (it turned out to be five), but I guess it hadn't really, completely hit me what that could mean in the long run. Sort of like not using sunscreen and then realizing you've got quite a nasty burn on your shoulders a few hours later. In any case, I just found out that I've made it into the final round of interviewing and there's only one 30-minute interview with my organization's Director standing between me and the biggest change in my professional life since, well, ever. By the end of this week, I might not be working in the only department I've worked in since 1992, and it's just hit me what that means.

Big risks pay big dividends, right? Oh my God, I'm so nervous right now. I won't say "wish me luck" because I know that whatever decision is made will be the right one and that, if I'm chosen it will be because I'm qualified, but I will ask for positive thoughts that I don't throw up on the Director's shoes. (He has nice shoes!)

OK, here goes.

UPDATE: That did not go well. I used a couple of VLSCI (my pseudonym for the company I work for) buzzwords and then stumbled over the definition when he pressed me on what they meant to me. Darnit, I shouldn't have tried to sound like a corporate robot, I should have just talked from my heart. Oh, well, if I don't get it, I don't get it. My life is good regardless and I still have a great job!

So said Denise on 4:24 PM # | 12 comments

How boring am I???

Tuesday morning. Even when work is crazy and I'm way behind on critical projects, I am so incredibly happy. Am I crazy? Have I lost it? No, I'm just really happy with where I am right now.

I went back to work yesterday morning at 7:45am (after having to stay over at TCB's because I was so exhausted from our moving adventures, so up at 4:45am!) and had an interview at 9am, another at 10am, my annual review at 11am, an interview at noon, an interview at 2:30pm, and an interview at 4pm. All of these meetings were an hour in length. Combine that with the 385 emails and the slew of seasonal staffing issues that piled up (I'm the seasonal coordinator for our department) and you can guess that it was a pretty hectic day. I was still grining from ear to ear. The interviews are all for two internal positions that I'd like to get but won't be crushed if I don't. I think, from what one of the interviewers told me, that I'm a front runner for one of the two, so that's nice, but I still love my current position, so it's all good regardless.

After work, I had a Advocacy Committee meeting for Junior League, which was great. Nice group of girls and great information. I'm so excited about getting involved again politically that I just can't tell you. I've even set up a Yahoo Group for the committee to facilitate communications. It's kind of a cool thing, really, being so involved with a group of smart, savvy women!

Oh, and my review? Fabulous beyond my wildest imagination. I got a great raise and a truly mind-blowing bonus plus some really nice things were said in the written part of the process. Yeah me!

I just love my life!!!

So said Denise on 8:02 AM # | 5 comments

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All entries are original creations of Denise E. unless otherwise labeled, and may not be reproduced without proper attribution.