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I'm just your average, everyday, divorced 38 year old girl -- overweight, tragically unhip, and trying to make a life for myself. I live with two furry beasts, Dave and Abby, whose feline mission in life is to choke me with their fur. Nothing special.

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Saturday, July 30, 2005



So said Denise on 4:37 PM # | 8 comments



So said Denise on 4:28 PM # | 3 comments

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Thursday, July 28, 2005

Nothing much, just happy

Thursday morning. Wow, I'm not posting very regularly, am I? The only thing I can say about my slacking is that it's all because of the many wonderful things going on in my life right now. Work, kids, Junior League, TCB, it's all going fabulously and I'm just so happy. I know, it doesn't make fascinating reading, but it's all I've got, folks.

Well, I guess I could talk about the weight loss/fitness thing, but there's nothing (positive) going on there, soooooo....

OK, so perhaps I should talk about the fact that I'm not particularly bothered by the fact that my eating is not on plan and my activity is non-existent. Seriously! I'm actually really happy right now with my body, too, even at only-God-knows-how-many-because-I'm-DEFINITELY-not-going-to-weigh pounds. I know that I'm in a size 22/24 again which is upsetting me only because I don't have enough clothes that fit in this size. Fortunately, that is easily remedied and I've got clothes on the way before my vacation/business trip next week.

Have I mentioned where I'm going next week? It's the Endless Yard Sale! My friend, Tracy, plus her friend Ann, Tracy's mom and sister, and Tracy's Auntie Lyn (plus me) are all meeting up in Birmingham, Alabama next Wednesday afternoon, catching a Barons game, then heading off on the adventure of a lifetime which will end in Covington, Kentucky on Sunday noon. From Covington, I'll be heading up to Columbus, Ohio for a week-long conference for work, which should prove interesting.

I do have lots more that I could talk about, but I have to get ready for an interview at 8:30am, so I need to go. Oh, OK, I'd better fill in the pieces for that one - it's internal to VLSCI (my current employer) so nothing too extreme, just a desire to broaden my management experience at a company that I dearly love. I've got eight interviews in less than 24 hours and I've only had three prior to this in my entire life, so it's interesting. Fortunately for me, I already have a job that I adore with a great manager and fabulous team, so there's no downside involved. If I get one of the two positions I'm in the running for, that will be great and I'll move on. If I don't get either of the positions, that will still be great. Actually, there are two more positions that should be posted any time now and I've been asked to apply for both, so there's even more opportunity for growth.

It really is a wonderful life!

So said Denise on 6:55 AM # | 6 comments

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Monday, July 25, 2005

Hot, hot, hot!

Monday morning. No, this entry's title has nothing to do with TCB - get your minds out of the gutter, people! - it's all about the hot weather here in San Diego. You'd think, having just come back from Tucson where it rarely got below 100 while it was light outside, that I'd be OK with the 80s and 90s here, but I'm very unhappy. Heat makes me sad, angry, and nauseated, so it's just not a good thing for me.

In any case, sorry not to have posted between last Monday and now - oops! The training that I attended was fabulous and I learned several important things about myself as well as important leadership skills for my ongoing career and development efforts. I got home about 8:30pm on Friday night and basically just crashed out after watching a (very) little television. Saturday started with Junior League training from 9-noon on advocacy and how bills become laws in California - very interesting. After that, I raced off to the Voices 3-on-3 basketball event, where Alcott and his siblings were playing their hearts out in hopes of winning what was rumored to be a $50 gift card for each participant on the winning team. No one from our family got that distinction but we did have two on the 2nd place team and, as I told them, I'm proud of each of them for giving their best and for exhibiting good sportsmanship. (Don't I sound like the most annoying person ever???) After that, I zoomed up to TCB's abode and we did some home improvement shopping for his new condo both Saturday and yesterday. (Hello, IKEA???)

Ugh, it's hot and I need to take a shower so that I can get to work where it's air conditioned. Poor Dave and Abby (my kitties)...I hope they stay downstairs where it's cool all day!

So said Denise on 7:01 AM # | 6 comments

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All entries are original creations of Denise E. unless otherwise labeled, and may not be reproduced without proper attribution.